x updates
9/19/24 || created site

x about
a personal site for me to yap about games i play, ocs, my personas, or fanart. a friend introduced me to neocities and i've been in love with the site, everyone here is super creative and expressive!! all the lowercase is intended (way too lazy to press shift at the start of every new sentence)... uh, anyways- have fun exploring my site! i'll try to update it frequently (maybe?) also this site is for pc users only, i am not optimizing it for mobile !!!!!! (sorry mobile users)

x links
carrd: doggo !!
roblox: Monochromicx !!
sky friend req 1: just click it lol sky friend req 2: theres another!

x credits
layout: itinerae
banner image: from pixeljoint
pixels: pixel dreams
in a dreary, isolated graveyard, rain pours relentlessly on a person in a ragged, old jester suit. they lie on the soaked soil whilst staring into the overcast above. their head shifts over to *you*, grey souless eyes bore into your soul.

“... what do you want?”

[who are you?]

[why are you here?]

[why am i here?]

[what is this place?]